Old Way
Exhausted Recruiters & Fruastrated Candidates

- Slower hiring process
- Bad Hires
- Lower retention rate
- Extensive outreach
New Way
Happy Recruiters & Candidate

- Pre-vetted candidates
- Personality & soft-skill match
- Targeted outreach
- Collaborative Hiring
- Diversified
Easy setup
01 Steps

Add job description and candidate profiles
02 Steps

HiringPlus automatically qualifies candidates
and shows you the top choices based on theirs skills
and cultural fitness.
03 Steps

Streamline your recruiting process through an
intuitive and comprehensive platform.
Data and AI makes the hiring process better than ever before:
- From 1000 random to 100 targeted candidates
- Over time the program learns and provides even better results

Learn more about how it works
How it works
"candidates" are coming in the system
Being analyzed by algorithms based on their "hard skill, soft skill, experience, education, culture and values
Being filtered based on a score give by the system
(100% free to get started.)